
Outside lanes:                 (# of track sections)   =         (total inches)

15" Straight . . . . . . . . . . .______________ x 15 = ____________________"
 9"       "    . . . . . . . . . . . .______________ x   9 = ____________________"
 7"       " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________ x   7 = ____________________"
 6"       " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________ x   6 = ____________________"
 5"       " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________ x   5 = ____________________"

15" Rad. Curve (1/8). . . . . ______________ x 10.593 = _________________"
12"           " (1/8). . . . . . . ______________ x   8.250 = _________________"
 9"            " (1/4). . . . . . . ______________ x 11.187 = _________________"
 9"            " (1/8). . . . . . . ______________ x   5.593 = _________________"
 6"            " (1/4). . . . . . . ______________ x   7.062 = _________________"
 6"            " (1/8). . . . . . . ______________ x   3.531 = _________________"

                                            Outside lane total = _____________________"

Inside lanes:                          (# of track sections)   =         (total inches)

15" Straight . . . . . . . . . . .______________ x 15 = ____________________"
 9"       "    . . . . . . . . . . . .______________ x   9 = ____________________"
 7"       " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________ x   7 = ____________________"
 6"       " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________ x   6 = ____________________"
 5"       " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________ x   5 = ____________________"

15" Rad. Curve (1/8). . . . . ______________ x 10.593 = _________________"
12"           " (1/8). . . . . . . ______________ x   8.250 = _________________"
 9"            " (1/4). . . . . . . ______________ x 11.187 = _________________"
 9"            " (1/8). . . . . . . ______________ x   5.593 = _________________"
 6"            " (1/4). . . . . . . ______________ x   7.062 = _________________"
 6"            " (1/8). . . . . . . ______________ x   3.531 = _________________"

                                               Inside lane total = _____________________"

   _____________ Outside lane total
+______________ Inside lane total
=______________" divided by 2 = _____________" overall track 'Centerline' distance.

C/L distance divided by 12 (in. per foot)   = _____________ actual feet.

C/L distance x scale (64) divided by 12   = _____________ scale feet.

Scale feet divided by 5280 (feet per mile) = _____________ scale miles.


                                                Courtesy of the HO Slot Car Association of Racers (HOSCAR), Rochester N,Y
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