H.O. scale layout Scenery Tips & Tricks
Screen chain link fencing

    I like using the factory formed edge of a screen sheet (usually the part most hardware stores toss... You may be able to get a good piece cheep) it makes a better top edge. If not, simply rip out 2 or 3 strands of wire across the top and bend over.
    Polls are either 2" finishing nails for standard fencing, or 4" sinkers for a higher retaining fence. Drive nails 1/2" into table (approximately 3" to 5" spacing depending on type of fence). Cut screen into the desired height strips.
    I know this is 'old school', but the real visual trick here is the mounting method. Mount your fence with scrap pieces of screen wire (twist tie fashon - Top, middle, & bottom). No glue or strings to look at... the wire obviously blends in very well. A bit more work, but looks GREAT.

From: John Peckham / Greenbrier Raceway, N.Y.