Other details include spinning
'76' ball, fully lit tower, first aid station & garages. All buildings / 76 ball are
'Plugged' in and removable during racing as not to get in the
way / damaged
V.I.P. Grandstands
On the back side of the VIP
Grandstands we find the official Sponsor "Winner's Circle" area. Grandstands are removable for
racing and hide a track cooling fan underneath for racers
Greenbrier's Control Tower.
Back of the Tower is the First
Aid Station, complete with 2 Beds, EKG, Oxygen tanks, etc.
Inner Pit Garages.
The guard rails between the Race
Track & Pit Row are removable for special events needing a
little more space.
The main has a built in 1/10th mile drag strip (pit row is powered via blue lane control)
With 6 lanes of usable space,
Greenbrier has also been known to hold
HOMTPA (HO Monster Truck / Pullers Association)