(Click here for Comprehensive
list of all AW 4-Gear Dragsters)
The Ultimate in HO Drag
original MAX TRAX drag strip prototype (before
& Ray started selling to the public).
track is in standard 4' sections made in BLACK,
and has a slightly higher rail height than in current
production... allowing for larger type 'Drag' tires, better
magnet attraction, and better shoe contact.
Actual table size is 40' long w/ 20.625' competition area (1/64 scale 1/4 mile) with over 10' of
shut-down area. The table is 3'- 4' wide
to accommodate the driver controlled return lanes.
timing / operation is done with a modified version of
Trackmate's 'Drag Pro' 2000 (installed Feb. 2013)
This system features
Actual working pre-stage & stage lights (for realism, all cars must stage under their
own power)
(2) Full feature racing format(s) (ET, Index, Bracket)
Custom built fully operational Tree (Pro
/ Full, bracket 'split') This custom tree is an
actual 'to-scale' X-mas tree
located at the proper place ON the track
(4) All
times read to 0.0001 sec.
Actual or scale MPH
Green blinking win light on tree (shows
the actual winner after system calculates for ETs, Break-outs,
Red lights,
Index, and/or any combination in between)
/ proposed features will include fully detailed 'sights &
sounds' for added realism.
(1) Highly detailed scenery, including a
fold-down backdrop (will double
as pit space for regular club
racing) DONE
(2) Coordinated tree / sound system. Stereo system
giving that ROAR as the tree turns 'green'
(speaker over driver station) switching to the rumble of racers
shutting down (speaker at the
end of track)
(3) Emergency / push vehicles for each lane (US Trucking 'spur' track type set-up... flip
a switch and
"Tow Truck" goes to get your stalled car)
(4) Proposed 'smoke' cannons (from train locomotives) under the starting line for that 'burn-out'
(well, we have been known to do
some crazy stuff... we'll see)
For a quick glimpse, here
is a brief photo section:
Raceway's drag strip in the works
\/ A quick
computer simulation of how things should look
.Checking out the
new X-mas Tree. If you look REAL close (or can blow
the photo up a bit)
you'll see the
Blue Willys is already staged (both
tree staging lights lit)
A shot of the
tower / emergency truck area
(flip a switch and your tow truck will go give
your car a push)
Compare to
computer graphic from 12/6/00 above
A better shot of
the new X-mas Tree. If you look REAL close you'll
1) the Red Willys is already staged
(both tree staging lights lit)
2) the White Ford still needs to
finish lining up (only the pre-stage
light is on)
Some action shots of "Lil Red Wagon" vs. "Hemi
Under Glass"
Both are exhibition vehicles and REALLY pull
(Not shown is how the rear gate / bumper scrapes
the rails...
Throwing sparks like the real cars on cement!!!)
. .gif action
. Update
Dual usage track... Backdrop down, pit area for regular race

its time for Drag racing !!!

At the
end of the track (turn-around / return lane section), Rescue-1
ready for any mishap. Flip a switch and Rescue-1 drives from
'spur' lane (U S Trucking setup) to give a push to any
inside lane
stuck car.

for both inside /
outside lanes come from the tower area

racer gets some help back to the pits. Note new hand-built
grandstands in background.

New Grandstand & concession area


A little tech
As mentioned, the track system is run via
Trackmate's DP2000
for details)
The Trackmate system was modified for a more
realistic Tree operation by adding a 3rd sensor to
Greenbrier's start line for true Pre-stage, Stage, and
real time Red Light.
Control area.
Drivers stand behind the starting area and watch the track
tree to compete.
This gives the Driver the proper prospective and a more
realistic feel.

Station is fully driver controlled... including the Return and
Spur (rescue vehicle) lanes.
During competition, all lights should be cleared / off.
Track supplied controllers have special "tap" full power
button on back. Handy to 'tap' stage your car
and may be used for actual competition.
Also, when the return lane(s) are turned off, Dynamic breaking
on the (over) 10' shutdown area is engaged.

are lit and we're ready to go !!!

Looking much like Greenbrier's old
tree, a new "to scale" X-mas tree had to be built to replace
the tree supplied by Trackmate.
This new tree was custom made as a direct plug-in for the
DP2000 system.
In addition, the Greenbrier tree uses WHITE lights
for the pre-stage/staging lights instead
of the yellow of Trackmate.

Greenbrier's tree next to the supplied tree from Trackmate.

Greenbrier's tree - finished & installed
Tree was installed by running tree threw a 1"x 1/2" hole in
track and mounting by
simply screwing buss lugs from the track's underside

View from the driver(s) station

Other Features & Additions:
The new "Burn-out / Warmup" pad. AFX roller 'starter'
sections inserted to main drag track.
Foam inserted in slot holds the car in place.
(Smoke still to come - LOL)
(Watch burnout video HERE)

Additional staging area for lining up the competition
(fold down leaf)

Detailed scenery / backdrop.
The 'parking lot' behind the Grandstand is 1 row of real
slot cars w/ a photo of some of my cars in
the back for the backdrop.

2016 saw the addition of the "Sand Trap" at the end of the
drag strip at Greenbrier.
The trap is 1/2"
of REAL sand and is NOT for stopping the cars at the end (it WILL mess
your car up),
but is there more for realism and "if needed"should a driver
forget to switch off the return lane(s).

Video of Sand Trap test - CLICK HERE
Misc. Photos:
Haulers start to arrive At Greenbrier Raceway in the early
morning sky

At the end of the track, we have the turn around / return
lane area. complete with ambulance
(US Trucking spur track w/
switch) and the 'Mercy Flight' Helicopter (real ultra-lite' RC)... just in
race view of track / return lane video. Watch HERE

With safety always a concern, the Rescue / Tow truck area
has a vehicle to help in any situation.
For example... should your car 'spark out' and not be able
to return, flip a switch
and a Tow Truck will run out to give it a push back to the

Cory Mac's Fram dragster pit.

"Hell On Wheels" Tank bodied Funny car

After a long day of racing, the sun starts to go down.

Watch Night Drag Race HERE
Time for a cold Pepsi !!!

As can be seen, Greenbrier Raceway's
Drag Strip is not only a fully functional H.O. slot car
it has taken many years to simulate a real Drag Strip is
every way possible. The sites, sounds, operation,
and even the SMELL (via "Dragster
Burning Rubber" fragrance oil & candle) has
been put in place
to give the feel that you are actually at the track.
If it doesn't FEEL REAL... it's just a TOY
Greenbrier Drag Raceway
Greenbrier Drag promo video HERE
Wheelie and Jet Drag Racing HERE
NEW !!!
Auto World 4-Gear Drag Car list:
Comprehensive list of all AW 4-Gear
Dragsters (including Limited
Edition and Set cars) known to me
knowing of any missing cars and/or variations, let
me know
Top Fuel (50)
Funny Car (83)
Pro Stock (18)
Legends (59)
Misc. Xtraction, etc.
( Total AW 4-Gear Dragsters - 210+)